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The State Key Laboratory of Space Weather

Editor: | Sep 09 , 2013

Formerly known as the Laboratory of Neumerical Study of Heliospheric Physics, CAS, the State Key Laboratory of Space Weather was established in 1993. Accepted by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2009, the lab became the first state key laboratory in the field of space physics and space weather in China.

Dedicated to the study of adverse space weather and its influence on human activities, the lab’s main goals include:

1) investigate the fundamental space weather processes in the solar-terrestrial space

2) establish the physics-based realistic space weather forecast methods and models

3) explore new space mission concepts and develop new observational techniques.

During the last five years, vitally important missions undertaken by the State Key Laboratory of Space Weather include but not limited to the following:

1) national basic research program of China (973 Program)

2) two major science programs

3) five key science programs.

The lab initiated the Double Star Exploration Project (DSP), China's first space science satellite Program, and proposed the Meridian Project, a ground-based space weather monitoring chain. The laboratory is also responsible for proposing the strategic development plan for space physics and solar system of China for Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) and Natural National Science Foundation of China (NNSFC).

Currently, there are 30 PhD candidates, 27 Master candidates and over 60 research staffs in the laboratory, among them 2 were CAS Members, 16 were research fellows, and 23 were associate research fellows. There are also Distinguished Young Scholars awarded by the National Science Foundation of China, oversee scholars enrolled in the Thousand-Talent Program, the Thousand Talents Program for Young Outstanding Scientists and the Hundred Talent Program.

Directors of the State Key Laboratory of Space Weather:

Director: Prof. Wang Chi

Associate Directors:

Prof. Feng XueShang,

Prof. Shi JianKui

Prof. Xu Jiyao

Contact Us:

Tel: +86-10-62582648

Fax: +86-10-62582648

Administrative Secretary:  Ms. Liu Yuan  yliu@spaceweather.ac.cn

Official Website: http://www.spaceweather.ac.cn/english/index.php